Walking up to the door you have the yard sign and our door warning sign and boarded up windows
Inside I didn't have much, a little banner and the favors, zombie cookies (faces,feet, hands, brains) with a thank you tag!
Outside I taped up the garage door, and I had a kids craft table which is always a hit.
"Decorate your own goulish goody bag"
I had a lovely dead flower arrangement
Off to the side is brain juice (green lemonade), apple bites and zombie skin (seaweed)
body part centerpieces
There were about 25 of these guys but I didn't snap a shot till they were almost gone, marshmallow zombie faces
Brain cupcakes with cherry filling
I did fruit kabobs and the kids turkey sandwiches are cut in the shape of a hand
An eyeball piƱata
Of course face painting, it was unnaturally hot for April so my poor zombie was melting.
I dressed up too, because why wouldn't you!?
My little , little guy was a zombie hunter
So wether you want to have a halloween party or a scary birthday, its so fun and easy to do!
Roman says, "BRAAIINS"