Thursday, April 7, 2011

Easter Blooms

Easter is this month and its time to decorate. I have some Easter decor that I put out, but I hate spending money on decorations. I'm not saying I don't. I can't help it. It's in my blood. I come from a long line of outrageous holiday decorators. So I'm always trying to make stuff to make the house more festive, and today I'm going to share one of my faves. These tissue flowers can be made big to hang or small to put on a table. The ones I'm making here are perfect for your table setting. So what you'll need..

4 sheets of tissue paper, some wire , scissors, and wire cutters
I picked my tissue paper at the .99 store

Cut the tissue in a 6x6in square and double it so you have 8 squares

Then fold your square like a fan

Tie a piece of wire around the tissue leaving some extra wire out

With scissors cut the tips to make them rounded

Then very gently fan the tissue back out and pull apart layers

You can tie them to your napkin 

make them in different colors, bigger, smaller. Put them on your table or hang them above, the possibilities are endless!! Have fun!

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